API Documentation


The URL2IMG API is a JSON REST API that provides lightning-fast, high-quality screenshots of websites or URLs.

API requests are made using a friendly URL structure and successful results are returned as images or errors in JSON format, providing a simple integration and full compatibility with any application, programming language or framework.

This API documentation explains all the parameters and features with API call examples that can be tested in your browser.



After signing up you will receive an API access key (shown in your dashboard) used to access any of the API endpoints.

To authenticate with the API you must provide your API access key in the access_key parameter of the API endpoint URL:



If your request fails the API will return a JSON response containing a 3-digit error code along with an internal error type and a plain text "info" parameter with suggestions on how to correct the error.

Below is an example error caused by providing an invalid API Access Key.

  "success": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 102,
    "type": "invalid_access_key",
    "info": "You supplied an invalid Access Key."

API error codes:

Code Type Description
101 missing_access_key You did not supply an Access Key.
102 invalid_access_key You supplied an invalid Access Key.
104 usage_limit_reached You have reached your subscription plan's monthly API request allowance.
301 missing_property A required parameter has not been supplied.
311 invalid_url You have supplied an invalid URL for the "url" parameter.
404 404_not_found The requested API resource does not exist.
429 too_many_requests You have exceeded the maximum allowed rate limitation as defined by your subscription plan. Please refer to the Rate Limits section of the API Documentation.
500 server_error Something went wrong - Internal server error.

Please Note: This is not a complete list of errors. If you come receive an error message you are not sure about please contact our support.

Rate Limits

Requests to the API are rate limited based on your current subscription plan:

Subscription PlanAPI Rate Limit
Free 1 Simultaneous Request
Startup 5 Simultaneous Requests
Growth 10 Simultaneous Requests
Enterprise 20 Simultaneous Requests

Capture Overview

The capture endpoint allows you to take a screenshot of any website or URL and have it returned as an image.

Required Parameters:
access_key Your API Access Key (Found in your dashboard).
url The full URL (including protocol) of the website you want to request a screenshot from, e.g. https://www.yahoo.com
Optional Parameters:
Parameter Description Default
fullpage An integer boolean value. If set to 1 the resulting screenshot will be the full height of the website or URL. If set to 0 then the result will be the height of the viewport. 0
width The required integer width in pixels of the resulting screenshot. This will scale the image and allows you to generate a thumbnail image rather than a full-size screenshot. 100% (full width of content within viewport)
viewport The required viewport dimensions in pixels. This allows you to use different display sizes and should be in the format WIDTH x HEIGHT. 1440x900
format The image format of the resulting screenshot. This can either be "png" or "jpg" png
css_url A URL containing a .css file that will be included when the URL is loaded. This can be used to alter fonts, colours or add watermarks etc to the resulting screenshot image.
delay An integer value in seconds used to control the time when the image is captured. This is useful when sites may be slow to load.
ttl An integer value in seconds used to control when a new screenshot should be generated if one is cached already. 2592000 (30 days)
force An integer boolean value. If set to 1 then a new screenshot will be generated. If set to 0 then we will use a cached image if one exists below the ttl value. 0
user_agent A string used to set a custom User-Agent HTTP header when requesting the URL. This allows you to emulate different devices or platforms. The latest desktop chrome browser
accept_lang A string used to set a custom Accept-Language HTTP header when requesting the URL. This allows you to emulate different languages. en-US,en;q=0.5
auth_user A string used to specify the HTTP authentication username when accessing a password protected URL
auth_pass A string used to specify the HTTP authentication password when accessing a password protected URL
no_images An integer boolean value. If set to 1 then images will be disabled in the generated screenshot. 0
no_javascript An integer boolean value. If set to 1 then javascript will be disabled when rendering the HTML to generate the screenshot. 0
no_dialogs An integer boolean value. If set to 1 then popups will be closed when rendering the HTML to generate the screenshot. 0
use_print_media An integer boolean value. If set to 1 then the @media print CSS will be enabled when rendering the HTML to generate the screenshot. 0
greyscale An integer boolean value. If set to 1 then the screenshot will be generated in greyscale with no colours. 0

Full Page

The fullpage parameter is an integer boolean that can have the values of 0 or 1. This allows you to request the full height of the website or URL by setting it to the value 1.

By default, this is set to the value 0 so the captured image will only contain whatever parts of the website fit into the viewport.



The width parameter is an integer value and allows you to request the screenshot image to be scaled to a specific width in pixels.

This will scale the height of the image proportionally to this width.

By default, this is not set so the captured image will be the full width of the website or the part which fits within the viewport.



The viewport parameter is a string composed of a width and a height as integer pixel values separated by an "x" which allows you to request the website or URL with specific screen size.

Details of common device viewports can be found at https://screensiz.es/.

This can be set to a maximum of 5000x5000 and a minimum of 1x1.

By default, this is set to the value 1440x900 so the captured image will only contain whatever parts of the website fit into the viewport.



The format parameter is a string that sets the image format that you wish to receive the screenshot image as.

The value can be set to png or jpg.

By default, this is set to the value "png".



The css_url parameter is a string that allows you to pass the URL of a .css file which will be loaded before the screenshot is taken.

This allows you to customise the page or add watermarks etc.

By default, this is not set.



The delay parameter is an integer value and allows you to request the screenshot image to be delayed for a specific number of seconds.

This can be set to a maximum of 60.

By default, this is not set so the screenshot will be taken after the site has fully loaded.



The ttl (Time To Live) parameter is an integer value and allows you to request the screenshot image to be cached for a specific number of seconds.

This can be set to a maximum of 2592000 (30 days).

By default, this is set to 2592000 so the screenshot will be cached for 30 days.



The force parameter is a boolean integer value and allows you to request the screenshot to be retaken each time so no cache is used.

This can be set to 1 or 0.

By default, this is set to 0 so the ttl value will be used.


User Agent

The user_agent parameter is a string value that allows you to specify a custom User-Agent HTTP header to be sent with the URL request enabling you to emulate different devices.

A list of common User-Agent strings can be found at https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/

By default, this is set to the most recent Google Chrome desktop browser.

                       https://url2img.com/api/v1/capture?access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY&url=https://url2img.com&user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1


The accept_lang parameter is a string value that allows you to specify a custom Accept-Language HTTP header to be sent with the URL request enabling you to emulate different browser languages.

A list of common language strings can be found at http://4umi.com/web/html/languagecodes.php

By default this is set to "en-US,en;q=0.5" (US English).


Auth User

The auth_user parameter is a string that allows you to provide the username to be used when accessing a password protected URL or website.

By default, this is not set.


Auth Pass

The auth_pass parameter is a string that allows you to provide the password to be used when accessing a password protected URL or website.

By default, this is not set.


No Images

The no_images parameter is a boolean integer value and allows you to request the resulting screenshot to be generated without any images in the content.

If set to 1 then images will be excluded.

This can be set to 1 or 0.

By default, this is set to 0 so images will be shown in the Image.


No JavaScript

The no_javascript parameter is a boolean integer value and allows you to request the resulting screenshot to be generated without any JavaScript being run.

If set to 1 then JavaScript will be disabled.

This can be set to 1 or 0.

By default, this is set to 0 so JavaScript will be active.


No Dialogs

The no_dialogs parameter is a boolean integer value and closes popups disallowing the screenshot to be taken.

If set to 1 then dialogs will be closed.

This can be set to 1 or 0.

By default, this is set to 0 so dialogs will be shown in the screenshot.


Use Print Media

The use_print_media parameter is a boolean integer value and allows you to request the resulting screenshot document to be generated using the "print" media type.

If set to 1 then the "print" media type will be used and any CSS @media print declarations will become active.

This can be set to 1 or 0.

By default, this is set to 0 so the "screen" media type will be used.



The greyscale parameter is a boolean integer value and allows you to request the resulting screenshot to be generated in greyscale.

If set to 1 then greyscale will be used and all colours removed.

This can be set to 1 or 0.

By default, this is set to 0 so the screenshot will show all colours.
